Mckenna in the Minnesota Summer, by Sandy Dianoski

Mckenna in the Minnesota Summer, by Sandy Dianoski


B.A. in Pre- and Early Modern Literature from University of California Santa Cruz

Finalist in Central Coast Writers Contest (2016)

CSSF Novel Writing Workshop Student (2020)

Indie published author, freelance editor, Ancient Egyptian nerd and wanna-be Equestrian.

Mckenna Gallagher is a freelance writer who has moved cross country no less than four times and has managed to ride horses all of once. Graduating with her degree in Pre- and Early Modern Literature from UCSC with a minor in History, her passion for Ancient Egypt and the Victorian era has informed most of her hobbies and a good deal of her stories. She learned how to read, write, and speak Middle Kingdom Egyptian in college, and strives for authenticity in her works, while constantly dabbling in Victorian literature on both an academic and personal level. She also happens to love The Mummy (1999) and The Mummy Returns (2001).

Participating in some small writing workshops across the country, and more locally, she has gained an affinity for peer critique and editing and wishes to pursue those goals further. Her recent acceptance into the CSSF Novel Writing Workshop has only fueled her ambitions for a career among traditional publishing.

Born and raised in Arizona, Mckenna has moved from AZ to FL to CA and has finally ended up in Minnesota, which she hopes is going to be her permanent home. Between oceans, storms, blizzards, and windswept deserts, Mckenna has always found something enchanting about every place she’s lived in (and occasionally miserable— two out of four states do feature mosquitoes). While COVID-19 has put her equestrian daydreams on hold, she is not going to let it stop her for long.

She currently has a novel series in the works set in Ancient Egypt, about twin grave robbers who end up interfering with the plans of the gods.